
Distinguished by small class sizes 和 faculty lab instruction, our biology major offers you excellent preparation for medical school, 研究生院和其他专业课程. You will gain a solid grasp of core biological principles, 培养分析能力, 和 develop your curiosity about the biological world.




Over half of our graduates have performed re搜索 outside of a traditional classroom setting while at GC, working with our own faculty or receiving 有趣的ding to work with re搜索ers at other institutions, from Stanford University to the National Institutes of Health


We have a long tradition of successfully preparing students for health professions.  Over 90% of our students who complete the application process, 包括面试, 被医学院录取. 


我们开设两门五月学期的常规课程:  美国西部的古生物学热带生物学.  古生物学课程包括5分,000 mile cross-country trip to explore fossil beds that span much of the evolution of multicellular life.  热带生物学学生前往伯利兹, where their time is divided between studying forest 和 coral reef ecology.


专业49小时. 有关更多详细信息,请参阅目录.

未成年人18小时. 有关更多详细信息,请参阅目录.

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“My years spent in the GC 生物学 Department are ones that I will always hold dear, 尤其是因为所有的辉煌, 种类, 充满爱心的教授挤满了整个系. I owe much of my own success to their personal investment in their students. 多亏了他们, GC is known by medical residencies in the region as a powerhouse that produces numerous future physicians each year. I was proud to boast about my alma mater when interviewing for my residency in Pediatrics!” 


“My time with the biology department at Georgetown College helped me underst和 that reading the material 和 showing up to class weren't the real act of learning, 而是, encouraged me to be excited about 和 engaged in the act of scientific discovery.  I began to underst和 the importance of employing creative, critical-thinking skills with real world applications. I do not think I would have the stretch of opportunities that are present for me today, had I not started my path in the classrooms 和 with the awesome professors at GC.  The friendships that were forged in those halls will be cherished forever.”


“我的职业生涯多种多样, 有趣的, 有趣的, challenging 和 always required science knowledge 和 experience. Bourbon tasting professional (that really is a job), 癌症研究技术, 高级环境顾问, 回收总监及更多. 我有故事! To new 和 prospective students – Your career path is as unique as you are. Be open to all the possibilities 和 you will have stories of your own.”



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